

Letter from the Parish Priest 

Dear Prospective Parents, 

I want to thank you for considering a Catholic Education for your child. St. Clare of Assisi is one of our three parish schools in the Corpus Christi Parish. As Parish Priest I would like to welcome you and your child to the parish and the school.

St. Clare of Assisi is the patron saint of our school and it is her dedication to the person of Christ which helps us to reflect on how each child is called to be the light of God’s love to our world. This calls each child to discover how they are called to develop every aspect of their lives in the light of this love. They are called to be people who can think, feel and act in a way which draws on a living relationship with God and with the community in which they live. Through their presence at the school they will learn how to enter into this relationship through their prayer, study and action.

As Parish Priest, I can assure you that the teachers and school staff are dedicated to the wellbeing and education of your children. They seek to build relationships which can last a lifetime and which enable children to be confident and life giving members of the community.

May God always bless you and lead you each day to know your unique calling to be the light of Christ in our world.

God Bless,
Fr James Antony

Weekday Mass Times & Reconciliation

Tuesday 5:30pm (HFC)
Wednesday 9.30am (SHC)
Thursday 7.00am (HFC)
Friday 6:00pm (HFC)
Saturday 10.00 - 10.30am Reconciliation (HFC)
5.00 - 5.30pm Reconciliation (HFC)
Sunday 5.00pm - 5.30pm Reconciliation (HFC)

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 8.00am, 10.00am and 6.00pm

Mass online

Sunday 10.00am


Parish Priest Fr James T Antony CMI
Assisting Priest Fr Joshua Scott
Office Manager Leanne Boyd (Tues - Fri)
Parish Secretary Maureen Babler (Wed & Thurs)
Sacrament Coordinator Anne Gowan
Address 167 Bugden Ave, Gowrie 2904
Phone 02 6291 6688