Remote Learning

Learning anywhere, anytime!

The SCA Site is a resource for families to support their child in continuing their educational journey outside the classroom.


This includes:

  • Resources aimed to support families and students to continue their learning from home
  • Access to digital resources to reinforce curriculum areas.
  • Advice and resources to assist families with learning delivery.

Important Information

If for any reason a child is unable to attend school for extended period of time, it is important to ensure that their education continues and families play an active role in facilitating this. This may mean following the classroom program or assisting students to continue building upon skills and understanding relevant to their age, competency and the Australian Curriculum.

Learning should be flexible, we recommended that within a day of learning, each student could be involved in:

  • 20-30 minutes of reading
  • 20-30 minutes of writing
  • 30 minutes of English activities – (grammar, comprehension, SoundsWrite, handwriting etc.)
  • ​45 minutes of Maths activities - (maths dice games, online programs, problem solving worksheets etc.)
  • 30 minutes of Physical activity - (dance and movement videos, indoor/outdoor exercise etc.)
  • 45-60 minutes of Integrated/Inquiry Learning (Religion Science, History, Geography, Digital Technology, The Arts, Home Investigations etc.)​
  • A good amount of helping family with cooking and other activities around the house, including learning through play.

We know that due to numerous circumstances this timetable will be fluid. Your child's teacher will meet with them daily to explain the learning expectations.

Teachers will use a range of strategies to assist students to complete these outcomes. These may include audio recordings of reading, providing links to online resources or posting instructions on tasks they would like to see students complete.

As part of this timetable there will be a time for video conferencing as a whole class, individually or in small groups with your child's teacher. This will be done via the Microsoft Teams platform, so please download the iPad/Desktop app if needed. Videos can be found on this Site under Suggested Resources. A link to the face to face meeting will be sent to your child's Microsoft Teams (Outlook) calendar before it is due to take place. We encourage students to log into Teams before their meeting starts to ensure they are familiar with the set up.

Parents- please contact your child's teacher via email. Announcements may be sent via Seesaw or Google Classrooms for convenience, but all 1 to 1 correspondence needs to be sent through to the teacher's school email address ( Please be patient and allow time for teachers to respond, within a 24 hour period. Information will be posted regularly on the Learning Platforms.

Students- Teachers will communicate with you via Teams each school day and provide opportunities to ask questions. When not video conferencing, you will be able to message your class teacher via your respective learning platform and they will respond to you. Information on how to do that will be on the 'Suggested Resource' page.

Get familiar with the Edu G-Suite platform- including Classroom, Microsoft Teams and Seesaw. Refer to the 'School Resources' page for more information.

Get some resources ready, such as pencils, scissors, paper etc... 

Along with these a collection of regularly updated online resources will be available. More information will be delivered via our learning platforms on a class by class basis.  Set up a learning environment.

Learning Environment

In order to maintain as much consistency as possible, please create a safe, quiet and comfortable learning space, free of distractions. As a safety issue, we recommend that students use devices in a shared space where parents can supervise their use.