School Fees

The Catholic Education  provides our buildings and pays the teacher's salaries. The school is responsible for all other costs associated with the running of the school. School fees are essential to our existence as a quality learning community. We encourage, BPAY where possible, for school fees to be paid. 

We are very mindful of the impact that any fee increase can have on families. If you have any concerns that fees in 2025 may cause hardship for you and your family, I encourage you to contact me for a confidential discussion on the assistance available to support your child.

Please see below the School Fees and Levies for 2025 letter from Matt Egan-Richards, as well as a letter from Catholic Education regarding School Buildings Insurance & Maintenance Funding.

We value your partnership, and we sincerely thank you for your continued support of our school. If you have any questions about school fees or require assistance on any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact me, or our Finance Officer, Jo McCarthy, at the school.

Fee Remissions

When families are experiencing financial difficulty, they sometimes approach the school for assistance with the payment of school fees. The school is happy to assist in most genuine cases for a short period of time.

School Fees and Levies 2025